Tinkering Resources
Compiled by Sylvia Martinez and Gary Stager of The Constructivist Consortium & Constructing Modern Knowledge
Recommended tinkering books from the Constructivist Consortium
List of open-ended creativity software and construction materials used at Constructing Modern Knowledge
Reggio Emilia books and constructive toys
Learning Materials Workshop
Project Websites and Communities
- Howtoons – Comic strip stories to inspire building, designing, engineering and inventing.
- Geek Dad – Blog at Wired.com and books by several authors about doing projects with kids.
- Instructables – A DIY online community
- Make Magazine – A print and online magazine for inventors and tinkerers of all ages
- Makers in Education site
- Makers Faire – See and share inventions across the US
- Young Makers– Connecting youth with adult mentors
- Tinkering School – 4 minute TED Talk by Gever Tully showcasing learning by tinkering
- Tinkering as a mode of knowledge production in a Digital Age – John Seeley Brown
- Makerbot CEO on Colbert Report
- Editor of Make Magazine on Colbert Report
Programming/building materials
- MicroWorlds EX -A modern multimedia version of the Logo programming language, with robotics control with an optional robotics version
- Scratch – Free programming language for simple storytelling and games. Graphic interface. Materials and videos for educators and classrooms. Scratch works with many of the building kits below.
- ScratchED web site – for educators who teach with Scratch
- Arduino – Open source electronics prototyping platform and robotics controller for interactive projects.
- Lilypad Arduino – or http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardLilyPad A special Arduino board for projects using textiles and wearable electronics.
- GoGo Board -Open source hardware platform for programable projects using sensors and robotics. Works with MicroWorlds and Scratch.
- Pico Cricket – A programmable tiny robotics construction kit that can make things spin, light up, and play music.
- Sugru – Air-curing rubber used to repair and affix things.
- Tinkercad – Kid-friendly, free and Web-based CAD program that may be used with 3D printers.
- Inkscape – An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. This is useful for CAD and 3D printing tasks.
Places to purchase parts and supplies
- Sparkfun -Online supply house for hobbyist electronics
- Adafruit – Online supplier of “Unique and Fun DIY Electronics and Kits”
- Digikey – Extensive collection of electronic components
- Electronics Goldmine – Source of inexpensive components such as buckets of LEDs
3D Printing and Fabrication
- Makerbot – Materials, tools, blogs and community forums about 3d fabrication.
- Thingiverse – Share digital designs with the world.
- Fab Central – MIT Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) clearinghouse for global projects, tools, events, etc. using 3d fabrication.
- High-Low Tech group at MIT – Engages diverse audiences in designing and building their own technologies and develops tools that democratize engineering.
Blogs and websites
- Sylvia Martinez at the Generation YES blog
- Gary Stager’s blog
- Toy-A-Day Blog Fun toys to inspire and delight
- Edison Muckers– All about Edison and inventing
- Tinkering School – Summer and after-school programs started by Gever Tully
- Tinkering Studio – Experiments, projects, blogs, and events from the Exploratorium Museum in San Franciso
- Learning Technology Center – Exploring design and informal science learning at the Science Museum of Minnesota
- NYC Resistor – a hacker collective located in Brooklyn, NY to share, learn, and make things
- TechShop– Menlo Park, CA shared workshop space for California tinkerers
- The Constructivist Consortium
- Constructing Modern Knowledge – summer institute for educators
- Gary Stager’s LEGO robotics resources
- Reggio Children – The international resource for educators interested in the Reggio Emilia approach –
- MIT Media Lab Lifelong Kindergarten Group
- DailyPapert.com – Daily wisdom from the father of educational computing
- Planet Papert – a collection of articles, papers and videos by Dr. Seymour Papert
- Free-range Kids – common sense advise about parenting
Other sites of interest:
50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do)
Please add your recommendations in the comments below!