Lots of education conferences feature speakers who are clever or witty. Constructing Modern Knowledge prefers to highlight wisdom and expertise. As a result, we are delighted that two of our favorite educators will be returning to CMK 2015. This year, Deborah Meier returns for her 4th time at CMK, along with last year’s guest speaker Edith Ackermann. These amazing scholars will participate in a legends forum intended to inspire and charge the next generation of educators in attendance.

MacArthur Genius Deborah Meier is arguably America’s most preeminent educator, school administrator, and outspoken authority on public education policy.

Dr. Edith Ackermann is an accomplished learning theorist with expertise in design, creativity, and child development. She worked closely with Jean Piaget, Seymour Paper, and Ernst Von Glasserfeld, the greatest learning theorists of the 20th Century.
Debbie and Edith will be joined by other legends to be announced over the next few months.
You do not want to miss this opportunity to learn with such amazing women/scholars. Register today!