Please upload your photos to Flickr and share in the CONSTRUCTING MODERN KNOWLEDGE 2012 group!
CMK 2012 “yearbook page” (please share happy memories of CMK 2012 here)
Gary Stager’s 5 articles on effective project-based learning
Dr. Lilian Katz’s project approach handouts
This is What Learning Looks Like A collection of learning stories and resources created at CMK 2011 – important reflection on the Constructing Modern Knowledge experience.
8 Big Ideas Behind the Constructionist Learning Laboratory Sylvia Martinez’ blog about Seymour Papert and Gary Stager’s work with severely at-risk teenagers.
The Original Twenty Things to Do With a Computer (1971) by Cynthia Solomon & Seymour Papert
Getting Hands-On with Soft Circuits workshop guide from Leah Beuchley’s research group.
EKWQ – A framework to start the project process by Sylvia Chard
Tinkering resources compiled by Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez
A Constructionism Primer (2011)
The Computer Lab as Learning Hub (2011)
Super-Awesome Sylvia in the Not So Awesome Land of Schooling (2011)
Curriculum Not Included (how to create problem solving classrooms) (2012)
Brian Smith’s Sparkfun Wishlist
Dr. Cynthia Solomon’s Logothings (videos, projects, classic texts)
Highly recommended five recent essays on education by Dr. Minsky ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
Smart Machines, a brilliant essay about mind, brain and learning by Marvin Minsky
Marvin Minsky’s amazing TED Talk and interview with John Hockenberry.
Please add essential resources to the comments below!