We are exactly one month away from the 15th and final Constructing Modern Knowledge Summer Institute, July 9-12th, and there is still room for you!

When we say “STEAM,” we mean it!

There’s lots of chatter about STEM and STEAM education, but at CMK, we live the values of learning-by-doing, creativity, and blurring the artificial boundaries between subject areas. Experience what it’s like to: 

  • Take control of your own learning 
  • Collaborate with educators from around the world
  • Invent with a mountain of novel, traditional, and cutting-edge tools and material
  • Benefit from the wisdom of our expert faculty
  • Engage in conversation with brilliant guest speakers changing the world through AI, music education, math, social justice, and computation.
  • Experience authentic, deep, and sophisticated project-based learning

Remove your teacher hat and put on your learner hat!

STEAM connections will be abundant at Constructing Modern Knowledge. CMK 2024 features author & music educator Tricia Tunstall and Melissa Walker, a Grammy-winning vocalist, activist, and founding director of Jazz House Kids, a large music education non-profit in New Jersey and New York City. Ms. Tunstall is one of the world’s leading authorities on El Sistema, the profound Venezuelan Youth Orchestra movement in which hundreds of thousands of children in one of the hemisphere’s poorest nations play classical music as a vehicle for societal transformation. Walker’s non-profit, Jazz House Kids, brings the spirit of El Sistema to America’s classical music, jazz, with remarkable success. Their conversation at CMK will not only make the case for arts education and its benefits to children, but share practical pedagogical strategies relevant to teachers of any age or discipline.

Where else, but Constructing Modern Knowledge will you find jazz, robotics, artificial intelligence, tinkering, craft, orchestral music, social justice, electronics, and more in the same learning environment? CMK is about connections, and the connections make STEAM comes alive!

Do not miss the mind-blowing learning adventures at Constructing Modern Knowledge 2024, July 9-12 in Manchester, New Hampshire!

Register today at https://constructingmodernknowledge.com/registration/

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