Compiled by Gary S. Stager, Ph.D.
Cool stuff used in the workshop
- Big Trak (floor turtle & weapon of mass interaction)
- LEGO WeDo(robotics construction kit)
- Squishy Circuits, bits and pieces
- Squishy circuit kit for purchase
- Turtle Art(software for exploring mathematics and physical beauty)
- email to ask for the free software
- Makey Makey (interface between the computer and your world)
- Makedo (hinges, saws and connectors for cardboard)
- Examples of Makedo projects
- Rolobox (wheels for cardboard boxes)
- Great source of low-cost LEDs for projects (hundreds for $5)
- Other inexpensive motors, switches and buzzers to use in electronics projects
Other resources

Recommended books about the Reggio Emilia approach
Books and DVDs from Reggio Emilia
Five articles on effective project-based learning (PDF)
Making & Tinkering resources compiled by Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez
The Eight Big Ideas Behind Constructionism by Seymour Papert
A Constructionism Primer (2011)
The Gary Stager Video Collection (presentation videos)
Super Awesome Sylvia’s web site (blog and Super Awesome Maker Show)
Schuyler St. Leger’s talk, “Why I Love My 3D Printer!”
Gary’s Favorite Classroom Cameras
Passport to The Best Educational Ideas in the World (2010)
Source for Arduino and Lilypad (earable) Arduino materials
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