Constructing Modern Knowledge News

Program for Constructing Modern Knowledge 2009

The goal of Constructing Modern Knowledge is to provide a space in which learning is the consequence of experience and where you don't hear a series of speakers, but work with leading experts and enjoy intimate conversations with them while collaborating on personally meaningful projects. Therefore, the program listed below is a guide detailing appointments, rather than a rigid schedule of events allowing no flexibility.

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She Literally Wrote the Book on Photoshop!

I often tell people that I am "Photoshop disabled." I know how to use about 1% of what Photoshop can do and am often confused by the software. Lesa Snider is such an amazing teacher that her clever examples and clear presentation helps me understand the complexities of this critical software. Her expertise in digital photography and image manipulation allows her to tailor instruction for any learner. I'm thrilled that Lesa Snider is part of the Constructing Modern Knowledge 2009 faculty.

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