Put this CMK badge on you blog or site
I created these spiffy graphics for friends of Constructing Modern Knowledge to place on their web sites or blogs. I'd really appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about this summer's event.
I created these spiffy graphics for friends of Constructing Modern Knowledge to place on their web sites or blogs. I'd really appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about this summer's event.
Registration is now open for the professional learning event of 2009! Constructing Modern Knowledge 2009 offers a world-class faculty and supportive environment for educators interested in exploring the intersection of…
CMK08,CMK09,David Thornburg,Constructing Modern Knowledge,Educon 2.1,educon2.1,Gary Stager Dr. David Thornburg, one of the world's most popular and prominent innovators in educational technology will lead two workshops at the Educon 2.1 preconference…
Mark Your Calendars! Constructing Modern Knowledge 2009 promises to be an even better institute than in 2008. Once again, participants will enjoy a collaborative environment committed to knowledge construction, computing…